Career Articles
The truth about success

The truth about success

Does hard work really equal success? Follow your own dreams and desires to find your flow and enjoyment. Allow success to come as a bi-product rather than the final destination.

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How to Find Your Flow and Why it Matters

How to Find Your Flow and Why it Matters

Have you ever been so immersed in something, the world seemed to disappear from around you, and time lost its meaning? Perhaps you even forgot to eat or go to the bathroom during that time, because you were on such a high. Sounds familiar? Chances are you experienced what it is like to find your...

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8 Ways to Calm Your Job Interview Anxiety

8 Ways to Calm Your Job Interview Anxiety

I used to deeply fear the day I would have to sit down for a job interview. Just the thought of one made my heart race and mind go on overdrive to the point where I'd freeze. Well, guess how I have been passing the time for the past 6 months during this pandemic? By attending job interviews. Job...

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How much of Rejection is Really Redirection?

How much of Rejection is Really Redirection?

Did you know that when we experience rejection the same areas of the brain become activated as when we experience physical pain? Rejection whether from our friends, families, loved ones, or even a recruiter causes us a lot of pain - neurologically speaking, of course. But why does rejection hurt...

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My Advice for Recent University Graduates

My Advice for Recent University Graduates

July marks a year since I graduated from the Nottingham University Business School, which has encouraged me to reflect on my university experience, as well as this past year since my formal graduation on the 23rd of July 2019. I understand how overwhelming it can feel when the university bubble...

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How to Find Motivation

How to Find Motivation

For long I've had the vague idea that I want to be my own boss. Whether I mean it as "be the boss of my own life" or "be my own boss in career terms" is irrelevant right now. What is relevant is realising that to be your own boss, in any circumstance, requires exceptional self-management. We tend...

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6 Tips for Working Remotely

6 Tips for Working Remotely

Working remotely has seen a steady growth of 159% since the last 12 years, and the trend is definitely en-route to becoming the new normal for several employees around the globe. During university by seeing the rise of influencers working remotely, I became curious about this style of work and...

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