Financial wellness Articles
The F*ck You Fund and Why You Need One

The F*ck You Fund and Why You Need One

When life throws you lemons, you can make lemonade, or you can simply toss the lemons aside and give them the finger. Whether you're dealing with a dead-end job, an unhealthy relationship, or any other challenging situation, having a bit of extra money stashed away can be just the thing that helps...

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Why I Invest | Investing for Beginners

Why I Invest | Investing for Beginners

One of the many phrases repeated to me growing up was "money doesn't grow on trees". In order to expect to earn a certain amount of money, you have to put ready to put in your fair share of sweat, blood, and tears, so to speak. Whilst this is true, it is only a part of the whole picture, because...

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What I Wish I Knew About Money In My Early 20s

What I Wish I Knew About Money In My Early 20s

Let's spice things up! Today marks the first post in a new category here on my blog, which will cover all sorts of topics related to financial freedom. In the past couple of years, I've started to explore the mysterious yet fascinating world of money. Well, not only money per se, but also wealth...

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