Everything is made up of energy, how are you choosing to use yours? Follow our self reflection exercise to identify how you can use your energy more efficiently.
how do i become more self-aware Articles
5 ways to be present and live in the now
5 ways to become more present and find yourself in the now without going travelling. Chloe shares her reflections of habits which have saved her in the past year.
Be full of yourself
A letter from the founder, Lilli, on the source of inspiration and origin story of how this online magazine came to be. Skimming through old pieces of writing I stumbled upon a letter to my 20-year-old self which I wrote at the age of 25. It brings to light a solution to the heaviness I’ve...
Make it happen! Setting intentions for 2022
Let's be honest, setting resolutions on New Year's Eve after a couple of drinks rarely sets you up for success. In fact, I will admit it - I have completely given up on trying to set resolutions. Instead, I set intentions. Intentions are quite different from resolutions. They take a little more...
Breakdown? Breaking free from the idea of breakdowns
An introduction to why a breakdown is a breakthrough waiting to happen. How your ‘breakdown’ is a sign you are evolving and levelling up.
7 Steps to Become More Self-Aware
Often times we hit rock bottom before we realise something about ourselves or life in general. For me that was; I'm alone. Bare with me on this rather somber statement, because it's actually quite empowering. At first the thought "I'm alone" came from victimhood, but when I spoke out the words, it...