featured Articles
How much of Rejection is Really Redirection?

How much of Rejection is Really Redirection?

Did you know that when we experience rejection the same areas of the brain become activated as when we experience physical pain? Rejection whether from our friends, families, loved ones, or even a recruiter causes us a lot of pain - neurologically speaking, of course. But why does rejection hurt...

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5 Minimalist Habits for a More Intentional Life

5 Minimalist Habits for a More Intentional Life

Sometimes, when life begins to feel a little too overwhelming, stressful, and kind of like the whole plot has been lost, it is worth taking a pause and returning back to the basics. I like to think of minimalism as a tool with which you gently peel back the layers in order to understand what you...

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How Horses Help with our Mental Health

How Horses Help with our Mental Health

At the age of 3 I shouted to my mom "now I can go horse riding!" after using the potty myself. The rest is history. Yet 21 years later I am still in awe of horses not just for their beauty, but also how they have impacted my life for the better. I have always felt that there was something special,...

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5 Ways to Declutter Your Mind For Mental Clarity

5 Ways to Declutter Your Mind For Mental Clarity

For many of us our thinking mind is always chatting away. Non-stop. Whilst exercising we may be thinking about our latest work assignment, or, when we are supposedly listening to our neighbour, we are actually thinking about what to eat for lunch. Our mind is a constant stream of (mostly...

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Meditating an Hour a Day Changed My Life

Meditating an Hour a Day Changed My Life

"I'm nervous about this. Sitting still in silence for one hour seems like an excruciatingly long time. Even more so when I am stuck with my own thoughts and the constant chatter of my mind." These were the thoughts I wrote down in my journal in May before my first meditation. Well, I say first,...

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My Advice for Recent University Graduates

My Advice for Recent University Graduates

July marks a year since I graduated from the Nottingham University Business School, which has encouraged me to reflect on my university experience, as well as this past year since my formal graduation on the 23rd of July 2019. I understand how overwhelming it can feel when the university bubble...

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7 Steps to Become More Self-Aware

7 Steps to Become More Self-Aware

Often times we hit rock bottom before we realise something about ourselves or life in general. For me that was; I'm alone. Bare with me on this rather somber statement, because it's actually quite empowering. At first the thought "I'm alone" came from victimhood, but when I spoke out the words, it...

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How to Overcome Fear and Not Let it Hold you Back

How to Overcome Fear and Not Let it Hold you Back

Throughout life I've let go of goals and dreams simply out of fear, and believing I couldn't accomplish something that I really wanted to. I can't help, but feel sad that already at such a young age I felt like I wasn't good enough, and I couldn't achieve the things I wanted to or were important...

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