The F*ck You Fund and Why You Need One

The F*ck You Fund and Why You Need One

When life throws you lemons, you can make lemonade, or you can simply toss the lemons aside and give them the finger. Whether you're dealing with a dead-end job, an unhealthy relationship, or any other challenging situation, having a bit of extra money stashed away...

How to Recover your Creative Self

How to Recover your Creative Self

Are some individuals just lucky to be born creative? Or perhaps creativity is abundantly available in our universe, and we are the vessels through which creativity can express itself. Which of the above ways of thinking empowers us to be at least a little bit curious...

Feeling stuck? Understanding liminal spaces in life

Feeling stuck? Understanding liminal spaces in life

Much like the ocean, life is a constant ebb and flow of change. Sometimes the tide brings a new surge of energy, inspiration and creativity. Other times the waves retreat, leaving behind a sense of vast emptiness with a tinge of uneasiness for what’s to come.These...

27 lessons I’ve learned in 27 years

27 lessons I’ve learned in 27 years

On October 17th I turned 27 years young. Although the big ‘dirty thirty’ is approaching faster than I'm comfortable with, I have a feeling my 30s and beyond will actually be the time of my life. Why? Because I’ve devoted the last half of my 20s shamelessly on myself....

The first taste of digital nomadism

The first taste of digital nomadism

During my Bachelor’s degree, the main source of anxiety for me was the thought that upon graduation I would have to spend the rest of my life stuck working in an office under iridescent lighting and, worst of all, forcing small talk by the coffee machine. I dreaded...

How to set goals and plan for success

How to set goals and plan for success

So far in our Becoming her: The life reset series we’ve looked at how to create space for change and how to set our intentions for the new year. But with your intentions set, how do you actually bring them to fruition?  Most of us know far too well the excited...

Be full of yourself

Be full of yourself

A letter from the founder, Lilli, on the source of inspiration and origin story of how this online magazine came to be. Skimming through old pieces of writing I stumbled upon a letter to my 20-year-old self which I wrote at the age of 25. It brings to light a solution...

Make it happen! Setting intentions for 2022

Make it happen! Setting intentions for 2022

Let's be honest, setting resolutions on New Year's Eve after a couple of drinks rarely sets you up for success. In fact, I will admit it - I have completely given up on trying to set resolutions. Instead, I set intentions. Intentions are quite different from...

The truth about success

The truth about success

Does hard work really equal success? Follow your own dreams and desires to find your flow and enjoyment. Allow success to come as a bi-product rather than the final destination.

2022 The new year, new me revolution.

2022 The new year, new me revolution.

Join the 2022 new year, new me revolution to take back your power. Identify meaningful goals based on how you want to feel so you can live a life free of limitations and restrictions.

Creating space for change

Creating space for change

To catch new winds in your sails, you must change course. Falling into a rut is a sneaky process in which time seems to slip unnoticed from between our fingers. We may begin to feel hollow inside and like everything around us slowly loses all meaning. To escape the...

Becoming Her | The 2022 Life Reset

Becoming Her | The 2022 Life Reset

Yes, I am one of those people who gets all giddy right about this time of year. And nope, it's not because of Christmas - give it a couple of weeks, though! As soon as December 1st hits, you will find me laying flat on my belly in the middle of my room surrounded by...

We’re live!

We’re live!

Welcome to Muija! The What Muija is a Finnish - often derogatory - term for woman or wife. But we have turned it into our very own power word. To us, muija implies strength, feminity, and power. Inspired by the strength of women...

Why I Invest | Investing for Beginners

Why I Invest | Investing for Beginners

One of the many phrases repeated to me growing up was "money doesn't grow on trees". In order to expect to earn a certain amount of money, you have to put ready to put in your fair share of sweat, blood, and tears, so to speak. Whilst this is true, it is only a part...

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